How has Climate Change Affected Ski Tourism?

Since the late 19th Century the earth has warmed around 1.1 degrees Celsius, carrying huge consequences for ski resorts globally. Whilst some ski resorts at higher altitudes have been virtually unaffected by the increasingly warm climate, others have suffered considerably, most notably due to the decreased amount of snow and increased amount of rain. As a result, several knock-on effects have occurred, including shorter ski … Continue reading How has Climate Change Affected Ski Tourism?

The Evolution of the Spanish Economy

Spain’s economic history has been a tapestry of conquest, exploration, colonization, and change. Over the centuries, the Spanish economy has evolved to take many different forms, from the glory of the Spanish Empire to its weakened state today. In this article, we will take a journey through time and explore the key periods and trends that have shaped Spain’s economic environment.  The Age of Discovery … Continue reading The Evolution of the Spanish Economy